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We provide one of the most potent regenerative treatments known to science: Cellular Regenerative Therapy.

Repetitive use. Abrupt falls. Autoimmune disorders. Menopause induced bone density loss. The causes of hip injuries are many, but the pain they cause in our body’s largest ball-and-socket joint effects every patient’s mobility and quality of life.

We provide one of the most potent regenerative treatments known to science: Cellular Regenerative Therapy therapy. When injected directly into injured areas, Cellular Regenerative Therapy may stimulate your own damaged cells’ regenerative potential to restore your tissue, eliminate your pain, and revive your hip’s range of movement. Depending on factors like age and genetics, Cellular Regenerative Therapy we introduce may continue producing human growth factors for weeks, sometimes even months.


The most common hip injuries are caused by osteoarthritis, a chronic degenerative condition that destroys the cartilage that cushions joints, causing weak and brittle aging bones to break more easily.

Other conditions that can cause hip injuries include:

  • overuse of the tendons and hip joints often during manual labor or excessive exercise
  • hip labral tear: damage of cartilage surrounding the bony edge of the pelvic socket
  • bursitis: swelling and inflammation of fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate joints
  • tendinitis: inflammation or irritation of tendons from repetitive stress
  • rheumatoid arthritis: a chronic inflammatory joint disease that attacks healthy tissue
  • lupus: a chronic autoimmune disease that damages tissue (can cause the death of bone cells due to decreased blood flow)

Hip injuries can be diagnosed in the following ways:

  • physical exam and medical history review
  • X-rays to reveal the condition of the bones and hip joints
  • CT and MRI scans to analyze soft tissues like tendons and muscles
  • blood test to detect levels of antibodies that indicate rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
  • arthrocentesis or joint aspiration: hip-joint fluid is extracted for laboratory study

Hip surgery often requires patients to stay in a hospital overnight for several days and is followed by several months of physical therapy. Patients may not be able to perform certain movements like bending or twisting for up to a year and may no longer be able to enjoy activities like sports, jogging, and dancing.

Cellular Regenerative Therapy may be able to bypass these issues. While it may take several weeks for your hips to return to full functionality, Cellular Regenerative Therapy does not take away tissue, but rather encourages the growth of new tissue. Cellular Regenerative Therapy can be used to treat hip arthritis by reducing inflammation and repairing and regenerating the cartilage around the hip joints. Cellular Regenerative Therapy also have the potential to alleviate debilitating pain and even repair damage caused by conditions like bursitis and osteonecrosis.

In the case of a hip injury, Cellular Regenerative Therapy may help relieve pain and repair damage caused by common injuries and conditions like bursitis, osteoarthritis, hip arthritis, labral tears, and avascular necrosis. Injured tissue cells send out signals. Cellular Regenerative Therapy respond to those signals and migrate to the injured tissue, releasing proteins that nourish and stimulate your own cells to begin regenerating.

Your specialist will begin by cleaning and numbing the area and using x-rays to guide the needle into the precise injury spot. Once your practitioner injects Cellular Regenerative Therapy, they dock next to your damaged cells and release growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines which then may:

  • activate T-cells to secrete proteins
  • open up your blood vessels and form new ones
  • move cells out of your blood vessels and into the tissues surrounding them
  • stimulate your cells to regenerate your tissue
  • inhibit your inflammation
  • regulate your immune system

The whole procedure usually takes less than an hour, and you can return home the same day. You should rest as much as possible for the first 24 hours after your Cellular Regenerative Therapy hip injection. You will need to avoid anti-inflammatory medications and any load-bearing activities for at least two weeks. You can walk and perform cardio usually after about 3-4 weeks and can run and weightlift after about four weeks (once your healthcare provider gives the okay).

As with all medical procedures, success rates will depend on your age, body type, genetics, injury severity, and follow up care.

In an effort to keep the costs reasonable for everyone, we require patients to pay for their patient responsibility for treatment at the time of the service.  We accept most major insurance plans, major credit cards, debit cards, cash, flex and HSA cards.

We also accept MedLoan Finance. There is much variation in coverage for this treatment despite the fact that insurance companies should be clamoring to have you treated, as it can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, which are expensive to treat, however some of the testing we do is still considered experimental and thus we do charge a cash price for some of our Hormonal testing. Our staff will be happy to answer your questions regarding these issues.