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How can regenerative therapy heal my injury?

The cells in your body are brimming with regenerative potential. Together, your cells and our cells may be able to reduce or eliminate your pain, regenerate your tissue, and revive the range of movement you may have thought you had lost permanently.

Unlike surgery, which removes tissue and bone from your body, we utilize Cellular Regenerative Therapy. These are injected directly into your pain site, stimulating your own cells to regenerate themselves.

Depending on your age, body type, genetics, and injury severity, the live nucleated cells we deliver to your tissue may continue producing human growth factors for weeks, sometimes even months. As with all medical procedures, success rates will also vary depending on all these factors. To find out whether Cellular Regenerative Therapy is for you, schedule a consultation today!


Injured cells in your skin, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective joints send out signals. Cellular Regenerative Therapy respond to those signals, migrate, to the injured tissue, and release proteins that nourish and stimulate your own cells to begin regenerating.

Once your practitioner injects them, the Cellular Regenerative Therapies dock next to your cells and release growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines, which then may:

  • activate T-cells to secrete proteins
  • open up your blood vessels and form new ones
  • move cells out of your blood vessels and into the tissues surrounding them
  • stimulate your cells to regenerate your tissue
  • inhibit your inflammation
  • regulate your immune system

Cellular Regenerative Therapy are processed the umbilical cord blood of healthy newborns. If a pregnant woman scheduled for cesarean section decides she does not want to keep and store her unborn child’s umbilical cord, her OB/GYN asks whether she would like to donate it. After she signs an informed consent form, a medical and social history review is conducted, as well as a blood test.

If the new mother meets all donor eligibility requirements, she is accepted as a donor. After her baby is born, the umbilical cord blood is collected in a sterile collection bag and sent to a lab.

The cord blood is processed within 48 hours using proprietary methods. A sample of the finished product is tested by an independent third-party lab for sterility. Only after all lab reports have passed the regulatory requirements can the umbilical cord Cellular Regenerative Therapy be distributed.

Cellular Regenerative Therapy products have the potential to treat a vast number of medical conditions. They’re already becoming a common alternative to risky, expensive surgeries in orthopedics, especially sports medicine, which has been treating athletes with regenerative therapies for over 20 years. However, the science demonstrating the benefits and safety behind each of these products is still in developmental stages.

That being said, thousands of studies around the world have demonstrated positive outcomes of Cellular Regenerative Therapy use and show that Cellular Regenerative Therapy derived from the umbilical cord are able to regulate our immune system more effectively than Cellular Regenerative Therapy derived from bone marrow or fat.

Our Cellular Regenerative Therapy product has been used successfully by practitioners all across the globe. Before embarking on any Cellular Regenerative Therapy therapy, however, you should consult the clinical trials on the national health databases and always seek the advice of your healthcare provider.

In an effort to keep the costs reasonable for everyone, we require patients to pay for their patient responsibility for treatment at the time of the service.  We accept most major insurance plans, major credit cards, debit cards, cash, flex and HSA cards.

We also accept MedLoan Finance. There is much variation in coverage for this treatment despite the fact that insurance companies should be clamoring to have you treated, as it can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, which are expensive to treat, however some of the testing we do is still considered experimental and thus we do charge a cash price for some of our Hormonal testing. Our staff will be happy to answer your questions regarding these issues.